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Работа за рубежом

Образец составления RESUME

(Имя, фамилия - так, как они написаны в Вашем загранпаспорте)

Ivan Ivanov


June 1986: Secondary school. Prize winner in "Olympiad" for physics, mathematics, chemical.

1986-1994: Student of Moscow Engineering-Physics Institute (MEPhI university). Cybernetics department, computer faculty, speciality "Computer Engineering".


01/10/93 "Information security from unauthorized access in computers systems and networks".

10/03/97 HP 51434S. Basics HP-UX (UNIX).

Self - training on HP9000 by HP manuals :

HP 51436. HP-UX: System administry.

HP H5001S. HP-UX: Secure system.

Summary of Experience

Summary of software:

DBMS Oracle 7.1 for UNIX, Oracle 7.3 for NT, Delphi C/S 2.0, Scaleable SQL Server for Windows and NetWare (NWSQL), InterBase SQL Server, PowerBilder, Paradox for Windows 5.0;

NOS MS NT(4.0), UNIX HP-UX 10.0, Linux, WinCenter 2.0, NetWare (3.11,3.12);

TCP/IP (DNS, DHCP, static route)

Languages Oracle PL/SQL, PowerBilder 5.0, C++, Pascal , JAVA (net, servlet, JDBC );

Special WWW server "Apache", "Va-Bank" banks system .

Summary of hardware:

X-terminal, HP 9000, HP Advance Stack, CISCO 2503, any fax-modems, network equipment, HP Advance Stack.

Employment History

Nov 1997 to date : leading database programmer, Daewoo Electronics CIS.

Designed visual objects library contents users control elements for reengineering and unification existing application (object library to PowerBilder 5.0 ). It tacked 2 months.

Now I make WWW system for use in the corporation information system. JAVA programming and JDBC link to Oracle. Use Red Hat UNIX, JDK as platform.

Database administrator Oracle 7.3 for NT. Five Data Bases. Used PC Anywhere for remote maintain.

Deployed internal application, installed Oracle, trained end users in our branches: Moscow, Kiev, Samara. I supplied technical support for this system.

Mar 1997 to Oct 1997 : general expert by software, Bank "Interprombank".

Network administrator: Win NT, WinCenter, UNIX, NetWare, about 25 users in my part local ip-net (branch). Leased digital line (CISCO). Data Base administrator (Oracle).

Project "Plastic card" (Delphi, Oracle). This automation System is processing information from pay system and bank emitter. It print some reports , maintain client's accounts in main banks system and other. Was started 07/07/97, tested from 08/18/97, 09/29/97 finished. All business logic in storage procedures, client's program win32 (RAD-Delphi). This is multi-user system for WinCenter(NT) with client-server architecture using Oracle DB server on UNIX.

Automated some parts of business process: ProComm, ksh script, C.

User support, consultation (UNIX, win, "Va-Bank").

Organized and released complex project for building branch of bank (department by work with clients) structure cable system, HP rack mount computers system, HP Advance Stack, UPS supply ...

Continued additional development project "Office" (Delphi), added new reports. Was started 05/04/97, 06/03/97 finished.

Nov 1996 to April 1997 : account system department, IS manager, "MAKC" Insure Co..

Network administer: Win NT, NetWare, all to 100 users. Made remove connection with Filial (NT RAS).

Consulted by Common Information System developing. Made expertise of big project which hade got plan of using plastic card in insure system.

Made number business and hardware works for supply reliable network communication. (Structural cable system, HP network equipment, Rack mount system ...)

'Vecsel' project (Delphi, InterBase SQL server) for "Interprombank", continued additional development. Added autogenerate and print ability for all internal Documents through DDE link to Word. The work was started 01/05/1997, tested from 01/31/97, 02/10/97 ended.

'Office' project (Delphi) continued additional development, added new reports and new statistics category. Added creating of invoice-factual. Was started 01/15/97, 02/17/97 ended.

July 1996 to Oct 1996: leading database programmer, "InformTeleKurs" LTD.

Made connection local network (Win95, NT) with Internet. Installed, configured Win and TCP/IP stack.

Developed the automation work-flow in "InformTeleKurs" Ltd. (project Office). 'Office' is helpful in account works (invoices, pays) and store other information about clients this company. It automatically create invoices. In this work used Delphi tools and Paradox for Windows. Made some VCL elements. The work was started 06/15/96, tested from 07/15/96, 08/30/96 ended.

Made a project "Write & account bank's bills of exchange"(Vecsel). It's for Interprombank. Used Delphi tools and InterBase SQL Server. I designed project, programmed. The work was started 07/25/1996, tested from 09/09/96,10/07/96 ended.

'DTD' project continued additional development. Improvement user interface, new report design, DDE link from Excel (DDEML used). Work has made on BC++. The work was started 08/12/96, from 09/02/96 in test, 09/20/96 ending.

June 1994 - June 1996: information systems manager, "MK-Luzhniki" Ltd. .

Has developed the automation company project (DTD). Project was responsible for the sales management control of the company. Has released 1 and 2 parts. Information system based at SQL server and NetWare. Client workplaces made for Windows(OOP on BC++). The work was started 06/01/1994. From 12/14/1995 the information system was stated in testing mode, and 02/19/1996 turned on full working mode. I worked at roles: project coordinator, manager of programmers work-group, leading DBMS programmer.

Networks: installed, administrated. (Count networks = 4)

May 1994 - June 1994:

Provided business and systems design consultancy, immediately help, for a various clients.

Mar 1993 - Feb 1994: digital engineer, "AGAT" Scientific military center.

Worked as part of "Izyashestvo" project. Designed a new digital element for SCSI host adapter ("ASP-85") .

Nov 1992 - Feb 1993: programmer, "Dialogue-MEPhI" education center.

I worked in sales department: pre-sales support. At the same time wrote small educational programs and system utilities (Borland C++, Assembler i80x86,i805X, Sourcer, Turbo Debugger).

E-mail support (ProComm, ComIt, UUCP - Relcom).

Has designed some customer information systems (CodeBase, Clipper).

Sept 1990 - Oct 1992: beginning engineer, "MEPhI-systems" Ltd.

Part time work. Combined studding with a job in the company. Worked as a part of a team on the development of a optical image deferent system. My roles: beginning programmer (Assembler, Turbo C, Turbo Pascal 5.5), junior digital engineer (any dig. logic, i805x).

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